Thanks to the use of the SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) denitrification method, the two hot water boilers of the Polish Kaweczyn Heating Plant, where ORGREZ implemented this measure, emit significantly less nitrogen (NOx) emissions into the air and thus meet the most stringent legislative requirements for the operation of these facilities.
The SCR technology used will reduce the nitrogen oxide emissions already created during the combustion of fuel inside the boiler. The flue gases produced by the combustion of coal, to which the aqueous ammonia solution is administered in a controlled manner by SCR technology, are fed to the catalyst, where the final chemical reaction takes place. The difference between SCR and the more commonly used non-catalytic SNCR method is that the SCR method guarantees the required emission limits during further operation of boilers with significantly lower residual ammonia content in the flue gas. The efficiency of SCR technology in terms of reducing NOx in flue gases is theoretically about 80-90%.