About Us
Over 65 years, the ORGREZ brand stands for expertise, experience, quality and innovation
We are engaged in diagnostics, optimization and planning of the operation of large, industrial and municipal power plants in order to contribute to better energy management. We increase the efficiency, durability and sustainability of energy equipment in the areas of production, distribution and consumption of energy.
We believe that traditional and new energy technologies complement each other appropriately, and we contribute to the sustainable development of energy. With expertise and data, we combine classic and sustainable resources, equipment and technologies to design the most efficient solution to the customer's energy needs.
Our strong grounding in the energy sector, the active, professional approach of the personnel and the openness to sustainable energy development and the development of new technologies are the basis of long-term partnerships with our customers and guarantee the future of the company.
ORGREZ Division
Division for checking of immissions and fuels
The Division of Imission Control and Fuels focuses on the supply, operation and service of Imission Monitoring, which is used to monitor outdoor air pollution. Monitoring is authorized by the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic and can be operated through a laboratory accredited by the CIA. Accredited data can be included in the national database of information on air quality, maintained by the authorized organization ČHMÚ Prague.
The division also focuses on measuring the dustiness of the working air outside buildings including meteorological parameters. The results of measurements and their evaluation can be used to identify possible sources of dust in a given location and to design targeted dust reduction procedures.
In addition, the division conducts attestations of automatic fuel samplers, including evaluation of samples taken in an accredited laboratory, and comprehensive quality control of fuel supply.In addition, it ascertains and evaluates the necessary information on the quality of solid residues fuel after combustion and on the evolution of their variability, which significantly affects the values in the greenhouse gas emission statements.
The division operates its own Test Laboratory Most No. 1179, which is accredited by ČIA according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 for measurement of emissions in outdoor and working air (outside buildings) and at the same time for fuel sampling and its subsequent analysis.
The division is also a ČIA accredited aptitude test provider No. 7014 according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010 and provides proficiency testing in the field of physicochemical properties of solid fuels.
ORGREZ, a.s.
Division for checking of immissions and fuels
Budovatelů 2531
434 01 Most
Division for transformer maintenance
The Transformer Care Division focuses on advising and ensuring transformer maintenance through filtration and regeneration of electrical insulating fluids. Oil regeneration serves to comprehensively renew the electro-insulating fluid to achieve the technical quality of the new liquid and thus enable its efficient recycling.
ORGREZ, a.s.
Division for transformer maintenance
Hudcova 321/76
612 00 Brno - Medlánky
Division for electrical engineering
The division focuses on carrying out the supply of electric power systems, certification and warranty measurements, diagnostics and optimization of operations with a view to increasing the efficiency, safety and reliability of electric power equipment. In particular, the division performs repairs and repairs of power, special and test transformers, revision and repair of power transformer branch switches.
The division is also engaged in the supply of ASRU secondary voltage regulation systems and the supply of terminals for the provision of power balance support services. For such systems, it simultaneously processes connectivity studies, conducts electricity quality measurements and verifies the function of system stabilizers.
ORGREZ, a.s.
Division for electrical engineering
Třanovského 622/11
163 00 Praha 6 - Řepy
Division for air protection technology
The Air Protection Engineering Division delivers continuous monitoring systems and evaluations for measuring emissions in power plants, heating plants and other sources of pollution, performs repairs and servicing of these systems, and provides control and advice on continuous emission measurement.
The division also focuses on conducting accredited measurements of emissions from pollution sources. It carries out its activities on the basis of a certificate issued by the Ministry of Environment decision on the authorization for emission measurement and the accreditation certificate granted by the ČIA for the measurement of gaseous and solid emissions and accompanying air handling quantities.
ORGREZ, a.s.
Division for air protection technology
Počáteční 1879/19
710 00 Ostrava - Slezská Ostrava
Division of Thermal and Power Engineering
The Division of Thermal Engineering and Power Engineering performs diagnostics, optimization and design modifications of technological units and whole energy blocks in heating plants and power plants. It performs special measurements in power plants, in particular warranty and verification tests.
He is also engaged in the preparation, implementation, testing and certification of systems for the provision of power balance services and their remote operation.
ORGREZ, a.s.
Division of Thermal and Power Engineering
Třanovského 622/11
163 00 Praha 6 - Řepy
Office Prague:
Ing. Zdenek Adámek
Tel.: 724 947 616
Office Brno:
Ing. David Praks
Tel.: 541 613 303
Division for ecology systems
The Environmental Systems Division ensures the operation of the EisorgNet system and provides our customers with related reporting of greenhouse gases and other emissions to the state administration.
The division is also engaged in the analysis and analysis of solid and liquid wastes and soils and their certification as a construction product.
The division also designs, supplies and deploys secondary measures SNCR and SCR NOx removal systems and CO reduction systems from flue gases and waste gases.
ORGREZ, a.s.
Division for ecology systems
Počáteční 1879/19
710 00 Ostrava - Slezská Ostrava
Division of electrotechnical laboratories
The Division of Electrical Laboratories deals with diagnostics of electrical insulation systems. It provides comprehensive services for the care of HVN/VN equipment used in the production, distribution and consumption of electrical energy, as well as test and diagnostic measurements of rotating and non-rotating VN/VVN voltage machines.
Part of the division is a laboratory that performs sampling physical-chemical tests of electrical insulating fluids including chromatographic analyses of decomposition gases dissolved in electrical insulating oil fill (DGA).
The division also provides expert expert opinions and tailor-made operational regulations. Employees of the division participate in normative, legislative and development activities.
Within the division, the ZL E01 test laboratory accredited according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025, ČIA has been operating since 2005. The division is a founding member of the professional association of the Association of High Voltage Testing Facilities (AZVN), where it is registered as an E01 testing facility.
ORGREZ, a.s.
Division of electrotechnical laboratories
Vítkova 189/17
186 00 Praha - Karlín
Ing. Lubomir Markus MBA
Head of Department of Diagnostics and VN Testing
Tel.: +420 724 271 075
E-mail: lubomir.markus@orgrez.cz
Ing. Lenka Kosanova
Head of the Laboratory of Oils
Tel.: +420 724 214 102
E-mail: lenka.kosanova@orgrez.cz