Waste and Materials Analysis Laboratory
The Waste and Materials Analysis Laboratory performs physical and chemical analyses of water, water extracts, absorption solutions, and solid materials, primarily to assess compliance during the certification process for products derived from waste.
We primarily conduct waste material analyses for wastewater, soils, construction waste, and by-products from energy production. We also conduct analyses of structures designated for demolition, assessing their environmental and health hazards. Where necessary, we quantify the amounts of individual materials to facilitate the preparation of the demolition project and its economic evaluation.
Samples of waste materials are collected by an authorised sampler holding the Waste Sampling Manager certification. The entire process is recorded in an online application, where our customers can track all data, and the related documentation is stored. The results can be evaluated within the application according to various regulations, or the analysis values can be compared with other samples.
Since 1998, we have provided certifications and declarations of conformity for analysed samples for use as construction products in accordance with Act No. 22/1997 Coll. In addition, we also offer Environmental Product Declarations (EPD), which will become mandatory for construction materials starting from 1 January, 2025. The purpose of the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is to serve as a tool for the objective comparison of products based on their environmental characteristics. By providing this information, the EPD promotes the demand for and supply of more environmentally friendly products and services.
The laboratory offers the following measurement and testing methods:
- Determination of sulphates, chlorides, fluorides, and ammonia by ion chromatography
- Determination of mercury by atomic absorption spectrometry
- Determination of bromide, nitrite, fluoride, phosphate, chloride, and sulphate anions by ion chromatography
- Determination of pH by potentiometry
- Determination of electrical conductivity
- Determination of dissolved solids by gravimetry
- Determination of elements by ICP-MS – antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, boron, tin, potassium, phosphorus, aluminum, magnesium, chromium, cadmium, cobalt, silicon, lithium, manganese, copper, nickel, lead, selenium, sulphur, sodium, thallium, titanium, vanadium, calcium, zinc, and iron