Diagnostics, Preventive Maintenance, and Monitoring of Electrical Equipment and Insulation Systems
To ensure reliable operation in the energy and industrial sectors, we offer our clients a comprehensive range of specialised diagnostic services, as well as preventive maintenance and monitoring. These services are designed to prevent faults in electrical equipment and insulation systems for high-voltage rotating machines (motors, generators) and non-rotating machines (transformers). Our expertise also extends to the diagnostics of electrical insulating fluids and gases.
Our diagnostic, preventive maintenance, and monitoring services encompass a wide range of tests, many of which are conducted in our own laboratory, accredited by the Czech Accreditation Institute (ČIA). These tests are routinely applied in preventive diagnostic checks and during various operational stages of electrical machines, such as commissioning, decommissioning, and refurbishment. We also specialise in testing equipment under extreme operational conditions, such as failures or emergency shutdowns, where we work to identify the causes of failures.
The E-01 ORGREZ laboratory holds a leading position in the market, both in the range of tests offered and in knowledge and experience. Additionally, we have developed many of the methodologies used in diagnostics and measurements.
Diagnostics of rotating machines (generators, motors):
- Measurement of insulation resistance, capacitance, and dissipation factor, including the voltage dependence of insulation resistance
- Applied voltage tests (AC, DC, 0.1 Hz)
- Testing of inter-turn insulation of windings, detection of turn-to-turn short circuits in rotor windings, impulse testing using atmospheric surge
- Partial discharge measurements (e.g. global method, ozone detection in cooling air, ultrasonic testing)
- Machine inspection through thermal imaging and other specialised tests
Diagnostics of non-rotating machines – transformers (power and instrument transformers):
Electrical measurements
- Measurement of insulation resistance, dissipation factor, and capacitance, including the C2/C50 ratio
- Measurement of winding resistance and ratios
- Determination of winding connection configuration
- Measurement of magnetisation currents and short-circuit impedance
- Monitoring of changes in winding geometry using frequency response analysis (FRA)
- Polarisation spectrum analysis (RVM) and dielectric spectroscopy in the frequency domain (DFR)
- Measurement of tap changer switching times
- Operational diagnostics of bushings
- Applied voltage tests (AC, DC, 0.1 Hz)
- Thermal imaging inspections and other specialised tests
Diagnostics of non-rotating machines through testing of electrical insulating fluids
- Analysis of gases dissolved in oil (DGA), including determination of the total gas content
- Analysis of furanic compounds released by the degradation of solid paper insulation into the oil
Diagnostics of electrical insulating fluids
- Measurement of the breakdown voltage of liquid insulants at mains frequency
- Determination of the water content in insulating oil
- Determination of the acid number of mineral insulating oils
- Determination of the density of mineral insulating oils
- Determination of the interfacial tension between oil and water
- Determination of the temperature dependence of dissipation factor, relative permittivity, and internal resistivity under direct current voltage
- Determination of sludge insoluble in n-heptane
- Measurement of particle count and size in insulating fluids using a particle counter
- Determination of thermal-oxidative stability (TOS) of mineral insulating oils
- Laboratory regeneration of insulating fluids
- Testing for the presence of corrosive sulphur (qualitative and quantitative, including testing for DBDS)
- Testing for inhibitor content
- Analysis of passivator content in mineral oils using HPLCDetermination of PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) content in mineral oils using gas chromatography
Diagnostics of solid paper insulation
- Measurement of the water content in solid insulation
- Measurement of DP (average degree of polymerisation)
Diagnostics of other electrical equipment
- Testing of valve-type lightning arresters and gapless surge arresters for HV and EHV surge arresters
- Measurement of switching on and off times, dynamic resistance, and current path resistance in circuit breakers
- Diagnostic noise measurements for rotating and non-rotating electrical machines
- Diagnostics of SF6 electrical insulating gas
Testing of protective equipment for the power industry
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