Transformer Repairs and Grid Connection Services
We offer our customers regular inspections, support in managing failures, and the design and execution of repairs, refurbishments, and upgrades for power oil transformers and tap changers across all voltage levels. Additionally, we provide ASRU secondary voltage regulation systems for the transmission and distribution grid.
Power oil transformers are designed for long-term operation; however, their reliability depends on regular oil quality inspections and ongoing diagnostics of the transformer’s condition. In the event of a decline in performance or a failure, we assess the transformer’s condition, recommend the appropriate repair method, and carry out the necessary repairs. We perform repairs and refurbishments for all voltage levels, including specialised transformers designed for heavy-duty operation, such as furnace and test transformers.
Our services include:
- Regular inspections of transformers and tap changers
- Design and execution of transformer and tap changer repairs and refurbishments
- Design and execution of radiator and fan modifications to improve transformer cooling performance
- Design and installation of transformer noise reduction systems
For the transmission and distribution network, we also offer services and supplies focused on regulatory systems, including:
- Design and implementation of the ASRU system for providing secondary voltage regulation services using reactive power (SRUQ)
- Certification testing of the ASRU system for providing secondary voltage regulation services using reactive power (SRUQ)
- Project design, implementation, and certification of PLC terminals for providing system services.
We also offer services for newly connected and refurbished power sources:
- Preparation of grid connection feasibility studies
- Measurement of power quality for connecting the source to the grid
- Verification of system stabiliser functionality according to the methodology of ČEPS a.s. for large rotating sources connected to the transmission grid